
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform...just not for women

The Democrats are rejoicing. Many of my progressive friends are tweeting and facebooking their excitement. I am disgusted. And frustrated. And exhausted. Once again we see 'progress' gained on the backs of women. Once again women are told to sit back and wait...that steps forward count even if they leave women behind. The arguments to passing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are so similar to the many we've seen in the past (uhm...ya like the right to vote)--something is better than nothing. Unless you are female in this country. A country where 87% of counties have no abortion provider. Where women travel extended distances-cross county, city, and state lines--and have to cross picket lines just to get the care they need. And now this nation claims victory and reform but we are no where near health care for all. This bill further stigmatizes women who not only have predict the possibility of abortion but request special and separate coverage from their employers (don't we have something in the Courts about separate is not equal??); allows for higher premiums for women when women already pay an estimated 65% more in out of pocket medical costs; restricts care to immigrants; and provides no real public option or single payer system (despite many accounts that countries with Universal health care actually have fewer abortions...shouldn't that be a motivator to these law makers who argue for less abortion, as if it has anything to do with over 90% of them!)

I just can't celebrate. I can't settle. I can't support a measure that leaves women behind...again.

For your reading pleasure....
Michael Moore's Letter: My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain ...a letter from Michael Moore
NOW statement: Health Care Reform Victory Comes with Tragic Setback for Women's Rights


Unknown said...

This is a great opportunity for all of the disenfranchised to unify, as this bill has no provisions for LGBT. We can use this as a bridge among the so called "minorities."

Unknown said...

This bill is a joke and sucks. This bill was NOT partisan and was made with threats, and backroom deals. So much for Obama's "transparency". And yes it falls very short of helping women and it offers NO provision for dental care. I can see the future now, if you want decent health care and can pay for it you will have to visit an illegal doctor for illegal health care just the way women who wanted abortions used to have to do in the past. This was a useless bill created by shortsighted people who think they will go down in history as doing something great. Yeah, a great disservice to the American people.