
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blog for Choice: My hope for a new day

My hopes are many. Like numerous others, I see President Obama’s election as a new day in this country. We have survived, barely, these last eight years. And now much remains to be undone – the economic crisis, the devastation of the Iraq war, the global gag rule, the inaccurate, false and misleading SPRANS Abstinence-only program, the wide-reaching and deeply impacting restrictions to abortion access and services, the establishment of “fetushood” as personhood (i.e. see the Unborn Victims of Violence Act)…and the list can go on. But this new day, this new hope brings with it dreams of where we can go from here. Beyond what must be undone, what can we build?

My hope lies here…in what we can build. Not only do I want to see structural changes but I also hope for socio-cultural changes. I want structural changes in the form of federal funding for all reproductive health services (from birth control to abortion to well woman services to prenatal care), fair and unbiased courts, the prioritization of women’s health issues in research funding, stronger oversight and accountability to the FDA, and government subsidies for menstrual health products and baby diapers that are biodegradable and eco-friendly. I also hope for changes in the ways in which our culture, both its people and its government, views women’s health, bodies, and experiences. I want a culture that empowers women and girls in who they are instead of judging them on their appearance. I want a culture that values women’s experience as legitimate information and knowledge. I want a culture that teaches children about their bodies in a non-judgmental, non-heterosexist manner. I want a culture that embraces comprehensive sex education which includes body information, sexualities, gender identity, the full range of reproductive options, and incorporates relationship negotiation skills and personal empowerment training. I want a culture that values women enough to provide accurate, unbiased, and non-judgmental information and then respects them enough to make choices in their lives without shame or blame.

Finally, as we collectively embrace a revitalized sense of community, democracy, and civic commitment I hope for a community who stands together, supports one another’s issues, fights for justice and equality, and refuses to settle for less until we are all afforded the same access and opportunity.

Lofty ideals? Perhaps, but what better time to dream than now?

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